Labels:book | daily | earth | gazette | poster | reckoner | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: Dear sir Protfem version: 122.8M does not estah- on June 81 of this year purchased Mccallum WiSh Patagraph. the asouind That of the get letterin stated the frst Mode] chainsaw from your company had third paragraph. diffi icul ies with the saw from the very beginning After checking with your company took the s aw to local repair shop Lawn and carden here in Santa Barbara warranty service The probl er misaligned chain assembly corrected in one day About three weeks later however aqain had problems took the s aw back The repairman there said he would have FO order parts for the carbure tor so left the s aw there expecting to be ready about week Dear However four weeks went by unable to get the needed pa writing this letter to describe problems that had an out-of- town pro ect have had ove1 th ...